Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Somuch of water flowed to ocean during my absence

First thing first....
Wish Everybody 
a Happy and Prosperous 
New Year ahead.
Well I was in a hibernation 😄😄😄
During this period I have setup my HAM Radio Station. Equipped with VHF(QYT KT 8900) And HF BITX 40m from VU2ESE Farhan. My antenna is a Inverted V for HF and 0db GP for VHF both are mounted on a 35 feet Bamboo mast.
As VHF is factory built till now it functions well. I have successfully communicated 30 Kilometer air distance on VHF(10Watts and 20 Watts). Further reach is possible but our club members are within this perimeter only.

BITX 40m as it is obtained from VU2ESE is good but only problem is on-board VFO, which drifts with time and while TXing. But I got 58 report from our club members within 30 kilometers. I was received by VU3SUY and VU2PLL but due to drifting VFO my calls were rejected 😀.

For your eyes thirst I am putting some pictures.

UnBoxing QYT KT 8900
BITX and QYT KT 8900 stacked.
My Antenna mast.
The VHF setup is courtesy VU2BPJ. I am very much thankful to him.
The HF setup is assembled and Tested by VU2AOR. I Express my gratitude for his help and advice.
The final boxing is done by my Electronics Guru BUDHANA( SWL Tushar Kanti Mishra).

I also express my sincere thanks toVU2AOR,VU2BPJ, VU2PQS,VU2FRD, VU2DKD and VU2CSF for coordinating testing of my setup.

First of all I beg apology for not posting the Compiler Blog in time.
The project is semi complete and working in a minimal sense. I will post the code in a future blog shortly.

Neural Network from Scratch Using C (Part-3)

  XOR Problem In part 2, AND gate and OR gate could be trained using a single perceptron. But XOR gate could not be as it is not linearly...