Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Eastern India HAM Meet 2018 at Puri.

HAM or amateur radio is a technical hobby. Like any other country in the world.Number of active hams in India is not as much as is in Japan USA or Europe. But people like Farhan VU2ESE, Ramprabhu VU2DEV, Rahul VU3WJM and Charu VU2UPX are name a few... Who made india proud. Eastern India i.e Bihar,Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Asam and Northeastern states of India had a good number of active HAMs.

For the last 2 years Eastern India HAMs meet on a forum known as EIHM. This year it was organized by HAMs of Odisha and it was held at Puri,Odisha on 17th and 18th March 2018. HAMs from Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal attained this year. One interesting thing is Banglades HAM Tuhin S21ED also attained this year.

Besides popularizing "Amateur radio" talks and disaster management issues, this years attraction was "Contesting and DXing" delivered by VU2YVK Bijoy. Among technical session "PHSNA" and "UBITX Workshop" delivered by Guru VU3GDP and "modified Tasa's SDR" delivered by Ashok(me) VU3VFU.
On the stage front line from left to right VU2PGU, VU2YVK, VU2JAU, VU2MUE
back line from left to right VU2AES, VU3NEJ, S21ED, VU2PQS, VU3NFF, VU2HRF.

 I am receiving Memento from VU2JAU.

Relaxing in the evening... light technical discussions.

And the Famous Jagannath Temple, for which not only Puri but also Odisha is Famous in the world.

Neural Network from Scratch Using C (Part-3)

  XOR Problem In part 2, AND gate and OR gate could be trained using a single perceptron. But XOR gate could not be as it is not linearly...