Saturday 10 July 2021

Laravel Application deployment on Fedora 34 server

 Recently I have to migrate an old Laravel application of a client to a newer OS release Fedora 34. When it was developed Fedora-29 was Latest 😁.


The procedure is as bellow.

  • Install Fedora 34
  • Update the installation (sudo dnf update -y)  
  • Install Apache (sudo dnf install httpd)
  • Install Mariadb, Mariadb server (sudo dnf install mariadb mariadb-server)
  • Install PHP, PHP Mbstring, PHP zip, PHP Mysqlnd, PHP Mcrypt, PHP XML, PHP Json, PHP suMod ( sudo dnf install composer php php-mbstring php-zip php-mysqlnd php-mcrypt php-xml php-json mod_suphp -y)
    • check if PHP is properly working or not by using following script
this script should be in /var/www/html/ directory which is by default  document root for httpd server.
Point the browser to this file and see if it shows a page about PHP version and other details. If not then check if apache server is running. 
  • As super user create a laravel.conf file under /etc/httpd/conf.d directory with following content
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName your server name
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/laravel_project/public
    <Directory /var/www/html/laravel_project>
        AllowOverride All
  •  Copy the laravel project to /var/www/html/ as super user and cgange the owner by chown -R apache:apache laravel_project 
  • Start Mariadb (sudo systemctl start mariadb)
This is almost complete. For your specific cases different services or tweaking may be required. 

Laravel is a good framework for web-app development but for sometimes it is not getting more acceptance. Now the buzz word is Node . In a future article I may write on settingup and using Express framework for Web-App.

Thank you.

Neural Network from Scratch Using C (Part-3)

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